#014 - Lyndal Ellement

In the early 1980's Western Australia was producing many champion riders, who were not only taking on Australia's best, but also the World. The Freemantle BMX Club was home to a young Lyndal Ellement, who, in just a couple of years of racing, would go on to win her first World Title. In 1983 Lyndal was amongst the first ever Australian's to win a World Title in Holland. This early success led to many Local and National Television appearances where she would promote the sport of BMX to youngsters all over Australia.

Lyndal would represent iconic Brands such as Kuwahara, Echo Helmets and Vans Shoes throughout much of her career, and would go on to win a further 2 World Championships. Her second win came at the 1986 World Championships held in England, before winning again in France in 1990 bringing her World #1 Tally to 3. She won multiple Australian and West Australian Championships before retiring from the sport in 1992.

After BMX, Lyndal started playing Pool and snooker - and would achieve success at National and International level, including being inducted into the National and Victorian Halls Of Fame. The sport of BMX obviously providing a life long grounding for success.

Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome Australian BMX Hall Of Fame Inductee - Lyndal Ellement.